
Components are the building blocks of primo sites. They're totally self-contained (unless there's a style or field they share with other components).

Creating a Component

  1. Focus on a row on the page

  2. Click 'Component' in the toolbar

  3. Write code under the 'Code' tab, create fields under the 'Fields' tab

Component Code



  • Styles are encapsulated (so if you only have one image tag in your component, you can safely select it with img.

  • Nested styles are supported (using [postcss-nested](


  • You can import any JS modules by name with import module from 'module-name' , where module-name is the module's name on [npm]( In the background, primo turns that into a request to [Skypack]( that looks like

    import module from ''.Skypack is a CDN that sends visitors pre-optimized packages.

  • Additional values related to the component can be found under a variable named primo . primo contains three properties:

    • id is the component's unique ID. Typically used to select the component's node.

    • data contains the component's field values

    • fieldscontains the component's fields

Sometimes you'll need to call a function from your HTML

<button onclick="doSomething()">click</button>

To do so, you'll need to define the function globally from the component's JS

window.doSomething = function() {}

To avoid overwriting a global function (especially when reusing a component), create a global namespace using the component's ID.

window[] = {
    ...window[`component${}`] || {},
    doSomething: function() {}

And access it from the component's HTML

<button onclick="{{id}}.doSomething()">click</button>

Component fields

Fields let you easily change content inside HTML from the CMS side.

Create a field

  1. From within the Component Editor, click the Fields tab

  2. Add a field, selecting a field type based on the data type

    • Repeater: Lists

    • Group: Objects

    • Content: Markdown

    • Switch: Boolean

    • Text, Number, URL

  3. Give the new field a label and an ID

    • Label: Labels the input field in the CMS

    • ID: Used from within the component's HTML to access the field value

Connect field to HTML

primo uses the [Handlebars]( compiler to build HTML from field values. Once you create a field, you can access their values from within the component HTML using the field's ID.

Some handlebars features like partials aren't supported yet

<!-- This assumes we created and populated a repeater field with the ID of `nav` -->
{{#each nav}}
    <a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a>

Last updated